Linen Committee

Linen Committee for the academic year 2022-2023 is constituted as under.

S. N. Name of the Member Designation / Department Designation
1. Dr. Vidya P. Paranjape Dean Chairman
2. Dr. Kalpana Devane Deputy MS Member


3 Dr. Mansi Kathaley Professor & HOD, Dept. of  OBGY               (PG Co-Ordinator) Member
4. Dr. Sunita Sankalecha Professor & HOD   Dept. of  Anaesthesia Member
5. Dr. Sagar Sonawane Professor, Dept. of Paediatrics    (Dep MS, Hospital Store) Member
6. Mr. Sachin Kapadnis Hospital Administrator Member
7. Mr.  Ketan Patil Matron Member
8. Mr. Aditya Burkul Incharge, Store Member
9. Mrs Neha Niphade Member