RPPC of Faculty

 List of Faculties Attending Conferences/Workshop as a Guest Speaker/Chairperson

(1st Jan 2023 – 31st Dec 2023)

Sr. No Name of the Faculty Department Designation Name of the Conference& Venue State/



Date of the Conference Topic as a guest speaker/ Session Chaired
1 Dr. Dakhane Prafulla Anatomy Prof & Head MAHACON -5 State 17/03/23 to 18/03/23 Chair the session (poster presentation Chairman)
2 Dr. Surekha Tushar Nemade Biochemistry Prof & Head AMBICON, Navi Mumbai National 14/12/23 to 16/12/23 Chair- person for Free paper presentations on 15/12/23
3 Dr. Surekha Tushar Nemade Biochemistry Prof & Head Resident as teacher workshop Local 28/03/23 to 29/03/23 Speaker
4 Dr. Surekha Tushar Nemade Biochemistry Prof & Head Resident as teacher workshop Local 18/12/23 to 19/12/23 Speaker
5 Dr. Balaji Almale Community Medicine Prof & Head Research Methodology workshop, Venue: Health and Family Welfare Training Centre, Nashik State 23/01/23 to 24/01/23 Introduction and importance of health research, Types of Research studies, Selecting an appropriate study design and bias and epidemiological studies, Ethics and Research
6 Dr. Balaji Almale Community Medicine Prof & Head Basic Research Methodology Workshop, Venue: MVP Samaj Institute of Nursing Education, Nashik Local 11/04/23 to 12/04/23 Resource person
7 Dr. Balaji Almale Community Medicine Prof & Head Basic Research Methodology Workshop, Venue: SMBT Dental College and Hospital, Dhamangaon, Ghoti Local 4/10/23 to 6/10/23 Research Design
8 Dr. Balaji Almale Community Medicine Prof & Head Basic Medical Education and Technology Workshop, Venue: ASS Ayurvedic College, Nashik Local 9/10/23 to 11/10/23 Introduction to assessment, LAQ and SAQ
9 Dr. Ashok Vankudre Community Medicine Professor MHIAPSMIPHACON 2023, 24th Annual Maharashtra State Joint IAPSM and IPHA Conference – 2023, Venue: SMBT institute of Medical Sciences and Research Centre, Dhamangaon, Ghoti State 18/03/23 to 19/03/23 Judge for oral paper Presentation
10 Dr. Ashok Vankudre Community Medicine Professor Writing Research Synopsis Workshop, Venue: Dr. Vasantrao Pawar Medical College Hospital and Research Centre, Nashik Local 25/03/23 Research Synopsis orientation
11 Dr. Ashok Vankudre Community Medicine Professor Resident as Teacher (RAT) workshop, Venue: Dr. Vasantrao Pawar Medical College Hospital and Research Centre, Nashik Local 28/03/23 to 29/03/24 Small Group Teaching
12 Dr. Ashok Vankudre Community Medicine Professor Basic Research Methodology Workshop, Venue: MVP Samaj Institute of Nursing Education, Nashik Local 11/04/23 to 12/04/23 Review of Literature and framing Research question
13 Dr. Ashok Vankudre Community Medicine Professor Advanced workshop in Research Methodology, Venue: IMETTT, MUHS, Nashik State 11/09/23 to 16/09/23 Review of Literature and framing Research question
14 Dr. Ashok Vankudre Community Medicine Professor Basic Workshop in Health Sciences Education Technology, Venue: IMETTT, MUHS, Nashik State 20/09/23 to 22/09/23 Phenomenon of Learning & principles of adult learning, Curriculum, outcomes and objectives
15 Dr. Ashok Vankudre Community Medicine Professor Basic Research Orientation Workshop, Venue: Dr. Vasantrao Pawar Medical College Hospital and Research Centre, Nashik Local 04/12/23 to 08/12/23 Sampling Methods, Calculating Sample size and power
16 Dr. Ashok Vankudre Community Medicine Professor MUHS Avishkar 2023 State 05/12/23 Judging Research Posters for preliminary round
17 Dr. Ashok Vankudre Community Medicine Professor Resident as Teacher (RAT) workshop, Venue: Dr. Vasantrao Pawar Medical College Hospital and Research Centre, Nashik Local 18/12/23 to 19/12/23 Educational Objectives
18 Dr. Supriya Dhakane Community Medicine Associate Professor Research Methodology workshop, Venue: Health and Family Welfare Training Centre, Nashik State 23/01/23 Formulation of Research Question, Designing data collection tool
19 Dr. Supriya Dhakane Community Medicine Associate Professor Blended Workshop on Basic Health Sciences Education Technology, Venue: IMETT, MUHS, Nashik State 24/01/23 to 27/01/23
20 Dr. Supriya Dhakane Community Medicine Associate Professor MHIAPSMIPHACON 2023, 24th Annual Maharashtra State Joint IAPSM and IPHA Conference – 2023, Venue: SMBT institute of Medical Sciences and Research Centre, Dhamangaon, Ghoti State 18/03/23 to 19/03/23 Chairperson
21 Dr. Supriya Dhakane Community Medicine Associate Professor Writing Research Synopsis Workshop, Venue: Dr. Vasantrao Pawar Medical College Hospital and Research Centre, Nashik Local 25/03/23 Formulation of Research Question, Title, Aims and objectives
22 Dr. Rakesh Patil Community Medicine Associate Professor Research Methodology workshop, Venue: Health and Family Welfare Training Centre, Nashik State 23/01/23 & 24/01/23 Public health data source, Measuring Disease Frequency,Defining and selecting a variable, measurement of study variable, data Management, data analysis
23 Dr. Rakesh Patil Community Medicine Associate Professor MHIAPSMIPHACON 2023, 24th Annual Maharashtra State Joint IAPSM and IPHA Conference – 2023, Venue: SMBT institute of Medical Sciences and Research Centre, Dhamangaon, Ghoti State 18/03/23 to 19/03/23 Co- Chairperson
24 Dr. Rakesh Patil Community Medicine Associate Professor Writing Research Synopsis Workshop, Venue: Dr. Vasantrao Pawar Medical College Hospital and Research Centre, Nashik Local 25/03/23 Methodology of research
25 Dr. Sunita. P. Pawar Community Medicine Associate Professor MHIAPSMIPHACON 2023, 24th Annual Maharashtra State Joint IAPSM and IPHA Conference – 2023, Venue: SMBT institute of Medical Sciences and Research Centre, Dhamangaon, Ghoti State 18/03/23 to 19/03/23 Co- chairperson
26 Dr. Yashowardhan Totala Community Medicine Assistant Professor Writing Research Synopsis Workshop, Venue: Dr. Vasantrao Pawar Medical College Hospital and Research Centre, Nashik Local 25/03/23 Reference Management
27 Dr. Nita Gangurde Microbiology Prof & Head MAHA MICROCON 2023 State 09/09/23 Chairperson Oral Paper Session
28 Dr. Ketankumar Gandhi Orthopaedics Associate Professor WIROC, Mumbai 2023 State 28/12/23 to 30/12/23 Chairperson for session on Non-union and Deformities
29 Dr. Shreeya Kulkarni Otorhinolaryngology Prof & Head 7th International Rhinoplasty Workshop 2023, Pune International 26/02/23 to 27/02/23 Basic evaluation of Rhinoplasty Patient
30 Dr. Shreeya Kulkarni Otorhinolaryngology Prof & Head ISOCON 2023, Pune National 24/11/23 to 26/11/23 Our experience with Facial nerve Palsy
31 Dr. Shreeya Kulkarni Otorhinolaryngology Prof & Head MENTCON 2023, Mumbai State 22/12/23 to 24/12/23 Aesthetic evaluation of Rhinoplasty Patient
32 Dr. Preeti Bajaj Pathology Prof & Head MaCyCON, Nashik State 4/02/23 to


Organising Chairperson
33 Dr. Preeti


Pathology Prof & Head CME, SMBT IMS & RC, Nashik Local 26/03/23 CME Dermatopathology (Session Chaired)
34 Dr. Preeti


Pathology Prof & Head Dr. VPMCH & RC, Nashik Local 28/03/23



Faculty Workshop: “Design and Conduction of OSCE/OSPE”
35 Dr. Preeti Bajaj Pathology Prof & Head CAHOLABCON, Hyderabad National 14/04/23 Metabolomics (Session Chaired)
36 Dr. Preeti Bajaj Pathology Prof & Head CAHOCON, Hyderabad State 15/04/23 Judge for Paper Presentation
37 Dr. Preeti Bajaj Pathology Prof & Head TPA Conference, Thane State 19/06/23 Clinical Pathology: Urine Examination
38 Dr. Preeti


Pathology Prof & Head Dr. VPMCH & RC, Nashik Local 17/09/23 to 28/09/23 Organizing Member “Patient Safety Programme”
39 Dr. Preeti


Pathology Prof & Head MUHS, Nashik Local 26/09/23 MUHS Research Grant Meeting
40 Dr. Preeti Bajaj Pathology Prof & Head TPA Conference, Nashik State 8/10/23 Interesting Cases in Hematology (Guest Speaker)
41 Dr. Preeti Bajaj Pathology Prof & Head MUHS, Nashik Local 6/12/23 Judge for Avishkar MUHS
42 Dr. Preeti Bajaj Pathology Prof & Head CISP III Workshop, Dr. VPMCH & RC State 20/12/23 to 21/12/23 Speaker at CISP: 2 Talks
43 Dr. Subhangi Rairikar Pathology Associate Professor Basic Research Orientation Workshop Local 4/12/23

to 8/12/23

Descriptive Study Design & Analytical Study Design (Speaker)
44 Dr. Jeetendra Singh Pharmacology Prof & Head Napticon Father Muller Convention, Mangalore, Karnataka National 28/10/23 to 29/10/23 Judge
45 Dr. Anup S. Bharati Psychiatry Prof & Head World Psychiatric Association Regional Congress, Kolkata, India International 14/04/23 to 16/04/23 Guest speaker Topic- Symposium
46 Dr. Anup S. Bharati Psychiatry Prof & Head 24th Annual National Conference of Indian Association of Private Psychiatry, Goa National 2/11/23 to 3/11/23 Guest speaker Topic- Adolescent Cannabis US
47 Dr. Anup S. Bharati Psychiatry Prof & Head 54thAnnual conference of Indian Psychiatric society, West zone branch Kolhapur National 13/10/23 to 15/10/23 Chairperson
48 Dr. Anup S. Bharati Psychiatry Prof & Head Psychiatry Conference organised by Dr. BVPRMC & TRCC, PMT, Loni State 17/12/23 Chairperson
49 Dr. Anup S. Bharati Psychiatry Prof & Head Psychiatry Conference organised by Dr. BVPRMC & TRCC, PMT, Loni State 17/12/23 Chairperson
50 Dr. Vibha A. Bhide Psychiatry Associate Professor Psychiatry Conference organised by Dr. BVPRMC & TRCC, PMT, Loni State 17/12/23 Judging the paper Session Theme: Deaddiction & Mental Health
51 Dr. Nilesh Chaudhari Radio-diagnosis Prof & Head 46th Annual State Conference of MSBIRIA Pune State 02/12/23 to 13/12/23 Neuroimaging  -Cavernous Sinus Syndrome
52 Dr. Nilesh Chaudhari Radio-diagnosis Prof & Head Indian Medical Association, Nashik 23-24 State 23/07/23 Pituitary symposium (chaired)
53 Dr. Sushama Dugad Respiratory Medicine Prof & Head PULMO+MED ONCLAVE 2023 State 25/6/23 Chairperson PULMO+MED ONCLAVE 2023
54 Dr. Sushama Dugad Respiratory Medicine Prof & Head NAPCON, 2023 DELHI National 06/10/23 to 08/10/23 Faculty
55 Dr. Komal Shah Respiratory Medicine Associate Professor MAHACRITICON, NASHIK State 24/11/23 to 26/11/23 Paper presentation
56 Dr. Komal Shah Respiratory Medicine Associate Professor NAPCON, 2023 DELHI National 06/10/23 to 08/10/23 Faculty as well as paper presentation