NAAC Committee

NAAC Committee for the Academic Year- 2019-2020.                                  

            Section Name Name Mobile No Department
Chairman Dr. Mrunal S. Patil 02532303923 Hon’ble Dean
In-charge Dr. Sunita Sankalecha 9881242582 Anaesthesia
Dr. Pradip Barde 9021416946 Physiology
Central Co-ordinator Dr. Rakesh Patil 9423019943 Community Medicine (PSM)
Section In-charge
Section Name Marks Name Mobile No Department
I-Curricular  Aspects 80 Dr. Sonawane Sagar 98903888714 Paediatrics
II-Teaching-Learning and Evaluation 280 Dr. Shreeya Kulkarni 9822544310 Otorhinolaryngology (ENT)
III-Research, Innovations and Extension 120 Dr. Ravindra Sonwane 8208158034 Paediatrics
IV-Infrastructure and Learning Resources 100 Dr. Jeetendra Singh 9822771294 Pharmacology
V-Student Support and Progression 120 Dr. Surekha Nemade 8380032027 Biochemistry
VI-Governance, Leadership and Management 100 Dr. Balaji Almale 9371675700 Community Medicine (PSM)
VII-Institutional Values and Best Practices 100 Dr. Ashok Vankudre 8983428110 Community Medicine (PSM)
Part B – Health Science Disciplines 100 Dr. Sunita Sankalecha & Dr. Pradip Barde 9881242582




Co-Opt. Member Dr. Kathaley Mansi 9890528876 Obst & Gynaec
Co-Opt. Member Dr. Manisha Rajale 9766200237 Anatomy
Co-Opt. Member Dr.Rushika Patel 9967279885 Otorhinolaryngology (ENT)
Co-Opt. Member Mr. Milind Deshpande 9881407088 Microbiology
Supportive Staff Mr.Deepak Sonawane 9922626197 Dean Office
Supportive Staff Mr. Kiran Rayate 9860409907 EDP