NMC Proforma for Display of Information Year 2024 Proforma as per NMC UG MSR 16.08.2023 – Annexure-III (Point No. 1 to 29) Proforma as per NMC UG MSR 16.08.2023 – Annexure-III (Point No. 30) Self Declaration Dynamic Dashboard for the Hospital [Births, Deaths , OPD & IPD ] Stipend Paid to UG Interns, PG Residents, SR & PGs in Super specialty month-wise Information under Clause ‘B.1.11’ [Click Here] Bio-metric Attendance Dashboard Year 2023 Proforma as per NMC UG MSR 16.08.2023 – Annexure-III (Point No. 1 to 29) Proforma as per NMC UG MSR 16.08.2023 – Annexure-III (Point No. 30) Self Declaration Year 2022 Proforma as per NMC-MARB (Point No. 1 to 29) Proforma as per NMC-MARB (Point No. 30) Self Declaration