Forensic Medicine and Toxicology


The broad goal of teaching undergraduate students Forensic Medicine is to produce a Physician who is well informed about Medico-legal responsibilities during his/her practice of Medicine. He /She will also be capable of making observations and inferring conclusions by logical deductions to set enquiries on the right track in criminal matters and associated medico-legal problems. He /She will acquire knowledge of law in relations to Medical practice, Medical negligence and respect for codes of Medical ethics.


  • To define the Medico-legal responsibilities of a general physician while rendering community service either in rural primary health center or an urban health center.
  • To Appreciate the physician’s responsibilities in criminal matters and respect for the codes of Medical ethics.
  • To diagnose, manage and identify also legal aspect of common acute and chronic poisonings.
  • To describe the Medico legal aspects and findings of postmortem examination in cases of death due to common unnatural conditions and poisonings.
  • To detect occupational and environmental poisoning , prevention and epidemiology of common poisoning and their legal aspect particularly pertaining to workmen’s compression act.
  • To describe the principles of analytical toxicology.

At the end of course, the student shall be able to:

  1. Understand the basic Medico-legal aspects of hospital and general practice.
  2. Make observations and logical inferences in order to initiates enquiries in criminal matters and Medico legal problems.
  3. Carry out proper Medico-legal examination and documentation / Reporting injury and Age.
  4. Conduct examination for sexual offences and intoxication.
  5. Preserve relevant ancillary materials for medico legal examination.
  6. Identify important post –mortem findings in common unnatural deaths.
  7. Preserve relevant ancillary material for Medico- legal examination.
  8. Diagnose and treat common emergencies in poisoning and chronic toxicity.
  9. Make observations and interpret findings at post –mortem examination.
  10. Observe the principles of medical ethics in the practice of his profession.