Research Activity of Department (Thesis)

Sr. No. Year Title of  Thesis Name of Student Name of Guide Status
1 2019 Study of factors affecting surgical site infection in open gastrointestinal surgery in a tertiary care centre Dr. Sandip Surwase Dr. Mogal Kailash In progress
2 2019 Clinical profile of hirschprung disease, post-operative Complications of modified duhamel procedure and their Management Dr. Omkar Gurav Dr. Vaidya Mandar M. In progress
3 2019 Clinical Study Of Blunt Abdominal Trauma In Tertiary Care Centre Dr. Vinay Sanap Dr. Borse Hemantkumar In progress
4 2019 Study of indications and complications of intestinal stoma in a tertiary care center Dr. Shrikant Shegokar Dr. Bhamre Sudhir D. In progress
5 2019 Clinical study of different levels of amputations in diabeticFoot ulcer patients Dr. Manisha Pawar Dr. Joshi Dinesh V. In progress
6 2018 Study of single dose of antibiotic prophylaxis in clean surgeries at a tertiary care sentre Dr. Ameya Arolkar Dr. Borse Hemantkumar In progress
7 2018 Various techniques of midline laparotomy closure and their outcomes Dr. Nikunj Varandani Dr. Joshi Dinesh V. In progress
8 2018 Study to assess for improvement in renal function following Anderson hynespyeloplasty for congenital pelvi-uretric obstruction in children Dr. Shishir Kamble  

Dr. Vaidya Mandar M.


In progress
9 2018 A study of surgical management of intestinal  Obstruction in a tertiary care hospital Dr. Janak M. Malu Dr. Bhamre Sudhir D. In progress
10 2018 Clinical Profile of patients with facial fractures Dr. Shivam Patil Dr. Mogal Kailash In progress
11 2017 A study of etiology and clinical profile of patients presenting with acute urinary retention to tertiary care hospital Dr. Deepa Verma  

Dr. Bhamre Sudhir D.


12 2017 A clinical study and management of primary varicose veins of lower limb in a tertiary care center Dr. Anuj Tiwari Dr. Bhamre Sudhir D. Completed
13 2017 Diagnostic validity of FNAC and true cut biopsy with post operative histopathological report in the cases of breast lumps in a tertiary care centre Dr. Aditi Dalvi  

Dr. Borse Hemantkumar


14 2017 Clinical profile of patients with head injury presenting at a tertiary health care centre Dr. Vedanti Patil Dr. Kailash Mogal Completed
15 2017 Comparative study between traditional method and plastibell use for circumcision in a tertiary care centre Dr. Ashish Gavade Dr. Vaidya Mandar M. Completed
16 2016 To determine efficacy of local application of insulin in diabetic foot ulcer Dr. Godbole Yash R Dr. Bhamre S. D. Completed
17 2016 A Clinical study of Cholelithiasis at a tertiary health care centre Dr. Dikle Ajit M. Dr. Bhamre S. D. Completed
18 2016 Clinical Study of Acute Pancreatitis & its management Dr. Pardeshi Gauravsing Dr. Borse H. G


19 2016 Double J stenting – clinical profile, indications and post operative complications Dr. Mithi Mohamed T. Dr. Mogal K. K.


20 2016 Comparison of Snodgrass and duckett’s procedure for correction of  hypospadias Dr. Shetye Suyog S. Dr. Vaidya Mandar Completed
21 2015 Clinicopathological clinical Study of  cervical lymphadenopathy Dr. Aakash Bhamre Dr. Borse H. G. Completed
22 2015 Review on management of urethral stricture at tertialay care centre Dr. Ravikumar Phad Dr. Bhamre S. D. Completed
23 2015 To Study effect of vacuum assisted  dressing on chronic ulcer Dr. Datta Sonawane Dr. Mogal K. K. Completed
24 2015 Clinical study of solitary thyroid Nodule Dr. Sanket Chaudhari Dr. Bhamre S. D. Completed
25 2015 A Study of incidence and risk factors in post operative abdominal wound infection in tertiary care centre Dr. Thombare Deepak  

Dr. Joshi Dinesh V.

