Clinical Trials/MUHS/ICMR/Anyother

Sr. No Title of research project Name of Principle investigator Sanctioning/ Collaborating agency Completed/Ongoing
1. Knowledge, attitude & Practices regarding Hepatitis B virus infections among Nursing  staff in a tertiary care hospital – Mr. Aditya Jain STS-ICMR 2014


2. Prevalence of Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus aureus carriers amongst sadhus and sadhvis in Nshik Kumbh Mela 2015 Miss Priyanka Parekh —- 2015


3. Prevalence of Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus aureus,Vancomycin Resistant Staphylococcus aureus and Inducible Clindamycin Resistance  amongst carriers in sadhus and sadhvis in Nshik. Miss Priyanka Parekh MUHS 2016


4. Mycological Profile in flour mills environment and from respiratory samples in mill workers from Nashik city Mr. Parth Pruthi ——- 2015


5. Screening of mobile phones of resident doctors for microbial contamination) Miss Gayatri Gondhali —– 2016


6. Knowledge, Attitude & Practices about protocols in Biomedical Waste Management Workers in Hospital and treatment plant Miss Muskan Gaba —– 2017


7. Combating future without our magic bullets. Are we ready? KAP regarding usage of antibiotics by medical practitioners Miss Muskan Gaba —– 2018


8. Spectrum of Bacterial isolates from Urine Samples in a Tertiary care  hospital Miss Geetika Patil —– 2019


9. Spectrum of Bacterial Isolates from neonatal Sepsis cases from a Tertiary care hospital Miss Aparna Lohar —– 2019
