Instruments and Equipments

1 Myograph stand
2 Sherrington Starling kymograph (electrically driven)
3 Inductorium
4 Muscle trough
5 Simple key
6 Short circuiting key
7 Pohl’s commutator
8 Vibrating interrupter
9 Muscle lever
10 Hook and Weight set
11 Heart lever (simple &Starling)
12 Frog board for dissection
13 Muscle grip of femur clamp
14 Enamel tray
15 Low voltage unit for tapping 2 and 4 volts for stimulation
16 Frog board cork lined with boss head
17 Electromagnetic time marker
18 Tuning fork time marker 100/sec
19 Electrodes
20 X-blocks
21 Spirit lamps
22 Microscopes, oil immersion
23 Marey’s tambour
24 Demonstration eye piece
25 Double demonstration eye piece
26 Stage incubator
27 Westergren’s pipette for E.S.R. on stand(with space pipette)
28 Wintrobe’s pipette for ESR and PCV with stand
29 Perimeter Pristely Smith S/LP.984 B & T
30 Hemoglobin-meter Sahli’s or Hellige (with spaces)
31 Sphygmomanometer (digital) (Mercury based instruments to be replaced with suitable alternatives)
32 Hemocytometer
33 Stethoscopes
34 Stethoscopes, demonstration with multiple ear pieces
35 Polygraphs
36 Venous pressure apparatus
37 Spirometer, ordinary
38 Gas analysis apparatus, Halden’s student type
39 Van Slyke’s apparatus manometric
40 Gas analyser automatic for CO2, O2, N2
41 Douglas bag, complete
42 Basal metabolism apparatus
43 Mosso’sErgograph
44 Clinical thermometer (Mercury based instruments to be replaced with suitable alternative)
45 Compass aesthesiometer
46 Thermo-aesthesiometer
47 Algometer
48 Apparatus for passive movement
49 Knee hammer
50 Stethograph
51 Bicycle Ergometer
52 Olfactometer
53 Ophthalmoscope
54 Schematic eye
55 Phakoscope
56 Perimeter with charts (Lister’s)
57 Maddox rod
58 Newtons color wheel
59 Tuning fork to test hearing 32-10000 cps(sets-100, 256, 512 hz)
60 Dynamometer
61 Otorhinolaryngoscope
62 Sterilizer electrical
63 Color perception lantern Edridge green
64 Instrument trolley
65 Stop watch
66 Student physiograph, (single channel) with accessories
67 Centrifuge, high speed with technometer
68 Colorimeter, photoelectric
69 pH meter electric
70 Refrigerator
71 Multi channel Physiograph, 3 channels, complete with accessories
72 Oxygen cylinder with trolley
73 CO2 cylinder with trolley
74 Electronic stimulator
75 All glass distillation apparatus double stage
76 Voltage stabilizer
77 Thermometers, balances, microslides and glassware
78 Water distillation steel with spare heating elements
79 Digital Physiograph
80 Laptop
81 Models and Charts
82 ECG Machine
83 Desktop Computer, with Printer
84 Multimedia Projector with screen
85 Photocopier and Scanner