Sr. No |
Year | Title of the Conference | Venue | Name of Teacher |
1 | 24/6/2021 to
27/6/2021 |
79th Annual Conference of All India Ophthalmology Society Conference 2021 | Nashik | Dr.Dhiraj Balwir
Dr.Swapnil Vidhate |
Sr. No |
Date | Title of the Workshop | Venue | Name of Teacher |
1 | 22/11/2021 To
29/11/2021 |
Online Advanced Research Methodology Workshop | Vertual | Dr.Dhiraj Balwir |
2 | 8/10/2021 | Workshop on Electives Block II | Nashik | Dr.Dhiraj Balwir, Dr.Shweta Kokas, Dr.Kalpana Singh |
3 | 9/8/2021 To
11/8/2021 |
Revised Basic Course Workshop and Training in Attitude, Ethics and Communication (AETCOM) | Nashik | Dr.Mrunal Patil |
4 | 9/8/2021 To
11/8/2021 |
Revised Basic Course Workshop and Training in Attitude, Ethics and Communication (AETCOM) | Nashik | Dr.Kalpana Singh |
5 | 05/03/2021 | AETCOM | Nashik | Dr.Mrunal Patil, Dr.Shweta Kokas, Dr.Kalpana Gadsing |
6 | 2021 | Basics of Quality Control
Hyderabad |
Vertual | Dr.Dhiraj Balwir |
7 | 2021 | Good Clinical Practice | Vertual | Dr.Kalpana Singh |
Previous Activities 2020
Sr. No | Type of Activity (Curricular/extra-curricular) | Name of Activity | Date of Activity | Number of Participants |
1 | Curricular | Cataract Surgery in comorbid conditions CME ,Nashik, delegate | 20/3/2016 | 20 |
2 | Curricular | 2nd Hands on training CME by MOS, Nashik, Delegate | 9/4/2017 | 18 |
3 | Curricular | Photorefractive Workshop | 24/12/2017 | 20 |
4 | Curricular | Seminar On Glaucoma | 15/03/2019 | 20 |
5 | Curricular | (APPICON) National Conference and hands on workshop on non-invasive assessment of neural and vascular functions in diabetes | 17/05/2019 | 20 |
6 | Extracurricular | Faculty night –Annual gathering-Dance
Dr Kalpana Singh
2019 | 2 |
7 | Extracurricular | Faculty night –Annual gathering-Dance
Dr Kalpana Singh
2020 | 2 |
Sr. No | Type of Activity (Outreach/social) | Name of Activity | Date of Activity | Number of Attendees |
1. | Outreach | Hindustan Aeronautic Limited | 2014-15 | 200 Patients
2. | Outreach | National Programme for Control of Blindness | 2015-2020 | 525 Patients
3. | Social | Speech on Eye Donation Fortnight by Dr.Saurabh Dhewale (PG student) | 25/08/2016-
8/09/2016 |
250 Patients |
4. | Social | Speech on Eye Donation given on Radiovishwas by Dr. SonalWani | 2017
Radio Audience |
5. | Social | Speech on Eye Donation Fortnight by Saudamini Jadhav ( PG student
8/09/2017 |
200 Students |
6. | Social | Speech on Eye Donation Fortnight by Dr Mrunall Borse | 25/08/2018-
8/09/2018 |
210 Students |
7. | Outreach | Mahaarogyashibir-Kalwan,Wani | 2/12/2018 | 1000 Patients |
8. | Social | Glaucoma Rally on World Glaucoma Day | 16/3/19 | 150 Patients |
9. | Outreach | Life line Express Nandurbar Cataract Surgery –Dr Shweta Kokas | 22nd to 25th Jan 2019 | 60 Patients |
10. | Social | Eye Donation Fortnight | 25/08/2019-8/09/2019 | 500 Patients |
11. | Outreach | Diabetic Retinopathy Screening Camp | 1/11/2019 to 30/11/2019 | 736 Patients |
12. | Outreach | Cataract Screening Camps | 2015-2020 | 25000 – 30000 Patients |
13. | Social | World Glaucoma week | 9/3/2020 | 250 Patients |