
  • Goal & Objectives

UG Goal:

The course in Ophthalmology aims at providing knowledge and skills to the student enabling her/him to practice as a clinical or primary eye care physician and also to function effectively as a community health leader, assisting in the implementation of National Programme for the Control of Blindness (NPCB) and rehabilitation of the visually impaired.


  1. Knowledge of common eye problems in the community
  2. Recognize, diagnose and manage common eye problems and identify indications for referral.
  1. Ability to recognize visual impairment and blindness in the community and implement national programmes as applicable in the primary care setting.

PG Goal

The purpose of PG education is to create specialists who would provide high quality health care and advance the cause of science through research & training.


The clinical post graduate training programmes are intended at developing in a student a blend of qualities, that of a clinical specialist, a teacher and a researcher. These programs are organized such that a post graduate student should possess the following qualities, knowledge and skills:

  1. The student should possess basic knowledge of the structure, function and development of the human body as related to Ophthalmology, of the factors which may disturb these mechanisms and the disorders of structure and function which may result thereafter.
  2. The student should be able to practice and handle most day-to-day problems independently in Ophthalmology. The student should recognize the limitations of his/her own clinical knowledge and know when to seek further help.
  3. The student should understand the effects of environment on health and be familiar with the epidemiology of at least the more common diseases in the field of Ophthalmology.
  4. The student should be able to integrate the preventive methods with the curative and rehabilitative measures in the comprehensive management of the disease.
  5. The student should be familiar with common eye problems occurring in rural areas and be able to deal with them effectively.


  1. The student should also be made aware of Mobile Ophthalmic Unit and its working and components.
  2. The student should be familiar with the current developments in Ophthalmic Sciences.
  3. The student should be able to plan educational programs in Ophthalmology in association with senior colleagues and be familiar with the modern methods of teaching and evaluation.
  4. The student should be able to identify a problem for research, plan a rational approach to its solution, execute it and critically evaluate his/her data in the light of existing knowledge.
  5. The student should reach the conclusions by logical deduction and should be able to assess evidence both as to its reliability and its relevance.
  6. The student should have basic knowledge of medico-legal aspects of medicine.
  7. The student should be familiar with patient counseling and proper consent taking.